Start the "6 products in 12 months" challenge!

Start the "6 products in 12 months" challenge!
Photo by Danka & Peter / Unsplash

Five years ago, I started working as a freelancer to get sustainable finance for my family because I got married and have one beautiful daughter, I also have to take care of my parents.

Although I have a good income and a nice company to work with, but I always want to start something on my own. Everyone has a passion and a dream.

I founded my startup in the past before I started my freelancing job, but it failed. I always want to try again. My problem is I’m working 40 hours per week to earn money, I don’t have much time to focus on the products, so I only can focus on small things.

I tried on many ideas but can’t finish one of them because sometimes, I was thinking too big, and the plan was growing bigger, so I can’t complete them.

So I would like to accept the “6 products in 12 months” challenge because it will help me to solve some of my own problems such as:

  • Start small: I have to think about how I can complete product development in 1 month and spend one month for marketing to validate. So the product should be small and be focused.
  • Always finish: We should finish anything that we started. So although the product can go bad at least I can finish what I planned.
  • Focus: Because I limit 2 months for each product, I will try my best to grow a product in that time. If it can't grow, I will keep it growing organically and try another product.

After 12 months, I will look at a promising product and focus on that. The challenge will be started on 1 June 2022. LET’S GOOOOOO!